Tuesday 29 March 2011


Today while walking down the railway line i was pleasantly surprised. The reserve is looking good, well apart from the fly tipping which has taken place in the carpark.
Blossom is showing, the cowslips are shining and the wildlife is coming to life.

here i think is a miner bee.... if iam wrong please do let me know. There has been a few of these hoovering around. quite funny looking things when you really look at them with there long pointy noses.
Well finally spring is here, keep your eye out for what you may see when you are down there.



As you maybe aware Charlotte Lowry has now left cambridgeshire county council due to goverments cuts. Its a sad time as Charlotte has done so much to bring Isleham Nature Reserve back to life. On behalf of the friends group Andrew the warden, gave Charlotte a good send off with a lovely bouquet and some chocolates, which she was most surprised by. As a group we would like to say good luck in everything you do and thankyou . You will be missed.